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10 Things a Man Must Go Through When His Hair Starts Falling

Most men lose hair at some point, and if you’re reading this, you probably are. Hair loss is not something to take lightly. It has the ability to trigger a variety of emotions that can disrupt a person’s mental state and well-being. People will try a variety of hair-loss therapies without first determining the underlying problem. There are several reasons why men may experience hair loss.

Understanding the cause of hair loss is critical for its therapy. The following are some of the factors that can lead to hair loss:

Genetic Predisposition

DHT (dihydrotestosterone) causes men to lose their hair at a higher rate. DHT causes the hair follicles to weaken slowly, resulting in hair loss. Male-pattern baldness refers to the process of hair thinning and eventually falling out.

Autoimmune disorders.

Many autoimmune illnesses, including alopecia, can cause hair loss. Alopecia, in particular, can cause random, hairless spots on the body.

Autoimmune disorders.

Infectious diseases

Fungal infections, such as psoriasis, can cause hair loss. Sexually transmitted infections, such as HPV and syphilis, can also cause hair loss.

Poor diet.

Diet influences practically all body functions. Consuming unhealthy meals rather than nutritious or balanced meals will result in skin problems, hair loss, obesity, and so on.

Restricted hairstyles

Your hairdo may also impact how healthy your hair is. Overly restricted hairstyles, such as a tight ponytail or dreadlocks, will cause hair loss.

Male pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of hair loss in men. It comes in a variety of forms, including receding hairlines, gradual hair loss, and, if left untreated, eventual baldness.

Regardless of the reason for hair loss, a guy will go through several phases after discovering that he is losing his hair. The stages span from sudden awareness of hair loss to denial that it exists, and finally acceptance.

1) Denial: The first stage of hair loss occurs when a man becomes aware of the problem. However, rather than confronting it, most individuals prefer to disregard its very existence.

2) Further denial: After initially rejecting the reality of hair loss, many people start to perceive it as a temporary condition that will eventually resolve itself. This stage of denial and negligence will only contribute to the progression of hair loss.

3) Comparing hair with others: There comes a moment when a person begins to compare his hairline or hairstyle to others, looking for flaws in practically everyone but himself.

4) Seeking out other balding guys: After losing a significant amount of hair, men begin to familiarize themselves with hair loss by observing and comparing their situation to that of other bald men.

5) Realizing hair loss: After several sessions of constantly monitoring the receding hairline, a man understands he is losing hair and must take action.

6) Worrying about hair loss: The realization of hair loss is not something that individuals get over easily. Men frequently experience stress as a result of hair loss.

7) Feeling self-conscious: Losing hair is a difficult experience that can make people feel like they don’t look nice or that the only thing people can see is the balding region of their head.

8) Hiding hair loss: Changing hairstyles to conceal balding regions or experimenting with different looks is a natural aspect of losing hair. People will try practically every method to conceal their balding areas.

09) Trying every hair loss solution: When people become desperate, they will do everything to stop losing their hair.

10) Finally seeking some specialized expert medical help: It can take some time for people to realize that a proper medical referral is the only viable line of action that will result in proper hair growth, but as the saying goes, better late than never.

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