Our Duty to Spread Message of Islam

At Zuhd.au, we believe in spreading the pure message of Islam to everyone, guiding those who seek the truth and clarity in their spiritual journey. Understanding Allah is the foundation of Islam; He is the One who created the universe, governs everything, and knows every detail of our existence. Allah’s essence is beyond human comprehension, yet we see His signs in everything around us. Our duty is to share this knowledge with sincerity and compassion, ensuring that everyone feels the mercy and love that Allah bestows upon all His creations.

Devote Yourself to Allah: Insightful Guidance by Mufti Shabir Moosa
Mufti Shabir Moosa, a respected scholar, offers profound insights on how to devote oneself to Allah completely. At Zuhd.au, we highlight his teachings that encourage Muslims to strengthen their faith and live a life centered on Islamic values. According to Mufti Moosa, true devotion involves more than just prayers; it’s about embodying the teachings of the Qur’an in every aspect of life. Our goal at Zuhd.au is to provide resources that help every Muslim connect deeply with Allah and live a fulfilling life of piety and purpose.

Allah Made Everything Out of Water
Allah’s creations are remarkable, and one of His miracles is that He made everything out of water. This concept is highlighted in the Qur’an, where Allah states that all living beings are created from water. Water is the source of life, sustaining every organism on Earth. This powerful message shows how interconnected and dependent life is on Allah’s mercy and sustenance. At Zuhd.au, we encourage reflecting on this truth and understanding that just as water is essential for survival, our faith and devotion to Allah are vital for spiritual growth.

Who is a True Muslim?
A true Muslim is one who fully submits to the will of Allah and lives by the teachings of Islam. Being a Muslim goes beyond reciting the Shahada (the declaration of faith); it involves practicing Islam in your daily life with sincerity, kindness, and respect for all of Allah’s creations. A true Muslim strives to embody the qualities of patience, humility, and gratitude while following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). At Zuhd.au, we aim to guide every believer towards understanding the essence of true faith, inspiring them to walk on the path that leads to Allah’s mercy and blessings.

What Did Rasulullah SAW Wear?
The way Rasulullah (SAW) dressed has significant meaning in Islamic tradition. He wore simple yet dignified clothing, often made from natural fabrics like cotton and wool. His clothing style was modest, reflecting his humility and respect for simplicity. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) preferred the color white, symbolizing purity and cleanliness, but he also wore other colors on different occasions. At Zuhd.au, we emphasize the importance of dressing with modesty and dignity, following the Prophet’s example in every aspect of life, including the way we present ourselves.

At Zuhd.au, our mission is to inspire and educate the Muslim community in Australia and beyond. By spreading the message of Islam, we aim to help individuals understand the true essence of Allah, live a life of devotion, and follow the example set by Rasulullah (SAW). Let us all come together to fulfill our duty of spreading this beautiful message of faith, compassion, and devotion to Allah.

Our Duty to Spread Message of Islam